Print Media Literacy and Digital Media Literacy in the Digital Technology Era

This article was written by Arabel Eltara Gabrielie and published in Jabar Ekspress on 1 February 2024


Rushd Student Voices

Publish Date

Feb 1, 2024


Arabel Eltara Gabrielie

Finalis OSEBI

LITERACY is no longer an unfamiliar term to the people of Indonesia. According to the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, ‘literacy’ can be understood as the ability to read and write, as well as an individual’s ability to process information. Often, literacy is associated with activities like reading books and writing on paper. However, as time progresses, the meaning of literacy has evolved to encompass much more. Today, literacy is not limited to ink on a sheet of paper. With these advancements, the term digital literacy emerged, utilizing the ever-evolving digital media.

Before diving into digital media literacy, it’s important to first understand print media literacy. Literacy in Indonesia has been developing since the ancient kingdoms, evidenced by inscriptions that recorded history. However, print media literacy only entered Indonesia during the Dutch colonial period. In 1744, the first newspaper in Indonesia, Batavische Nouvelles, was published, though it lasted only two years. Nevertheless, this newspaper marked the beginning of a wave of other newspapers emerging in Indonesia. Following Batavische Nouvelles, many new newspapers appeared and advanced print media literacy in the country. One of the most historically significant print media outlets in Indonesia is Kedaulatan Rakyat, which has been in operation since the early years of independence and continues to run today.

Print media literacy, particularly newspapers, played an essential role in the history of the nation. Especially during the early days of independence, newspapers served as a medium for spreading information and fostering nationalism and spirit among the people. During the formation of the country, the public needed a medium that could inspire national pride and support the struggle, and it was at this time that newspapers played a crucial role in Indonesia’s independence. Despite seeming trivial, the written words on paper had a significant contribution to history.

In recent times, the use of print media has been declining. According to data from the Indonesian Press Council, there are 1,711 media companies in Indonesia. Of these, 902 are digital media companies, while only 423 focus on print media. Based on this data, it can be concluded that digital media is growing much faster than print media. This shift is undeniable, as digital media has started to overshadow print media.

However, does this mean the shift is negative? Certainly not. In fact, digital media offers many advantages. For instance, in the realm of news dissemination, digital media allows information to spread quickly, even to remote areas, whereas print media such as newspapers takes longer to circulate information. In terms of portability, digital media can be accessed quickly from anywhere with a touch on a smartphone screen. On the other hand, accessing print media requires more effort, such as purchasing or borrowing the material one wishes to read. With these advantages, it’s no surprise that print media is gradually being replaced by digital media.

Although technology has advanced, and literacy media can be accessed easily through digital platforms, this doesn’t mean print media should be abandoned. It is important to preserve print media and its history for the Indonesian people. After all, print literacy, such as newspapers, articles, novels, and others, is part of a history that should not be lost to time.

In closing, Lenang Manggala, the Founder of the Indonesian Writing Movement, once said, “Strengthening the culture of literacy is the key to advancing this nation.”

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